Monday, January 27, 2014

Jan 25-27 - Excursion-ed OUT!

The Friday night before the 25th we went out. I have officially decided that is not a good idea. The 25 at 9am we drove three hours to Santiago de Compostela, Galicia, Spain (the place I gave my presentation on!). It was soo pretty. We checked into a hostel, which is a little (very) different from a hotel. But more on that later. The architecture was beautiful and the cathedral was gorgeous. On that first day we just toured the city. Then we split up for dinner. After wandering around a couple of places we stopped at small restaurant. I was very cute. We got our own room in the back it was good times. Unfortunately, our meal wasn't that great. Photo Break.

After dinner we went out for FROYO! Yummm. Then we went out to explore the city. A small group of us had a great time relaxing and chilling at a bar, listening to some great throw back music. But we weren't ready for the night in the hostel it was FREEZING. They gave you one blanket at it was not going to cut - it didn't cut it. It was so cold you couldn't sleep. Needless to say I was grumpy in the morning. But that didn't last long because that morning we got to go on the rooftop of the cathedral super awesome! Had a very yummy traditional Galician lunch. And then later that day we went to Lugo to see a roman wall. Photo Break!

Sunday night we drove all the way back to Oviedo and the next morning got up at 9am again to go to Leon. There we saw the Leon Cathedral which was B-E-A-utiful! I'll just put up a few photos the rest will go on Facebook. Then we had some free time to explore the city we stopped at a bar to get coffee...pretty sure the bar tender hated us. It was kind of funny though. Then we stopped at a restaurant called Kebab and got really delicious Gyros. And then drove back Monday afternoon.

 Three full days is a lot. I came home and slept for three hours. But so happy I went.

Que Será Será.

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