Monday, February 3, 2014

Jan 31-Feb 2 - The Classy and the Crazy!!

This weekend in a word was FUN!  But I also got some work done which I am rather proud of. I had no morning classes this past Friday, so Friday morning I met with my tutor to start preparing for the next test. (Work before play). Then we guessed it SHOPPING! I bought a new clutch and a great new black maxi...with a split ;). After a couple hours of shopping we went home to get ready. For what? Well friday night we decided to join the classy elites of Oviedo, Spain at the OPERA! Thats right! I slicked by my hair, put on my new dress, a little bit of make up and took my new clutch to the Opera. Of course we had to go to evening class, but then afterwards we went out for a nice dinner and then went to the opera "Don Giovani."

We were looking good. I tried not to pull an Angelina Jolie with the whole split thing. lol

More photos from our dinner and the opera...


Tons of Fun! After the opera we went of for dessert!

Saturday we were responsible again and studied for a few hours in the morning then went out for a crazy night of partying for Katie's big 2-0! So much fun! I did her hair and make up then we walked to the cathedral where people were waiting with a cake, to sing her happy birthday! Then we hit the streets!
She's adorable! And the cake was yummy!

Sunday I slept in and chilled. A complete day of rest and recovery felt nice!

Qué Será, Será.

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