Saturday, February 15, 2014

Feb 10-14 - Long Week.

With a HUGE test on Monday, and a test on Tuesday. It was a long week. I spent two weeks before preparing for the test on Monday. And although I could feel that I did better and I knew more information, it doesn't mean that I did as well as I needed. I came out of the test expecting a decent grade, but the more I talked with my peers, the more I'm sure I need to double my studying for the final in a week and a day! It's a lot of work and I'm trying not to burn out. And that is just one class. In another class I'm looking for research for a paper that I have to write. Trying not overwhelm myself is a problem of mine. But I know I can do it. I just need to stay calm...
On Valentines day I stayed in and watched Netflix, not because I was sad or depressed I just needed to do something mindless for a while.

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