Friday, February 21, 2014

Feb 15-21 - When it rains, it POURS!

Why?!! That's it. That's all I can say. This week started off ok. This past weekend I was proactive got things done. I was feeling good about what was to come. You know, no more work than the usual, nothing that I can't handle or manage and then Wednesday came and the sky started falling. Yes that's a little dramatic, but that's also how I feel. Wednesday I received my second test back. I got the exact same percentage as the first test. The exact same thing. Even though I studied several hours for this over a two week time span reviewing with my tutor 3-4 times a week. And I just knew I had to have done better...but I didn't. So after a little bit of crying, and venting to my mom and complaining to my friends I felt a little bit better. A little. But this past Thursday was rough. I was mopey and sad and angry and had no motivation and did not care at all. I made an appoint to talk to my Prof about my disappointing grade. And then I went home and hung out by myself. And then today I woke up at 8 and thought you have a nine o'clock class. Get up! And then I had that meeting with my prof and we talked about some ways to do better which made me feel better, but also the fact that I had to have the meeting, just made me feel really defeated. DERROTADO! I looked it up in Spanish so I could, better explain myself. I worked really hard and didn't get the grade I expected. I did not reap what I sowed. So I came back and explained this to all my friends in between tears and laughs. 

Then I stopped the pity party and tried to get to work, although I was (am) still finding it particularly hard to be motivated. And thats when someone brought up scholarships and Financial aid. All due March 1st! But I'm on an excursion from the Feb. 26 to Mar. 3. Which brings us back to WHY?!! So, to summarize, in one week, but really more like FOUR DAYS, I have to go out to dinner with my host family, finish my homework, study for a final that is imperative to my grad, apply for Entrada RA, find out if I got RA in the dorms do scholarships, file my taxes, apply for Financial aid and if there's time eat, sleep and breath. "I'm a damsel, I'm in distress. I can handle this. Have a nice day!"

Qué Será, Será.

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