Saturday, January 4, 2014

Jan 4 - Here I Come!

It's 8:20am, the day before I leave for Spain. I'm excited and nervous and tired. I was up late doing last minute preparations. It's really nerve racking think that everything I have in these two bags will be IT for the next five months. But I can't wait to be in Spain. To take it all in. But I'm sooo nervous. I don't know if I'm ready to hear and speak all Spanish all the time. And on top of all of that, I have to do well this semester...
But all of that can wait! I'm taking baby steps. Right now, my biggest concern is if my suitcase is going to weigh 50lbs. That is not the easiest thing! I have a range from 40 to 70 degrees...and rain, over the next five months. I can't fit all the clothes that prepare me for that in a suitcase that weighs 50lbs. But once that little tiff is solved, I think I'll be at peace... I think.

 [Baseball Announcer Voice] Dad's walking through the door with the scale. Lauren is stuggling to bring the luggage down stairs. She is sure it's 60lbs at least. Dad is placing it on the scale. The family pauses with anticipation...40.6lbs! She's safe ladies and gentlemen! She's Safe.

After moving somethings around between suitcases my it weighed 45lbs, but thats ok because i have everything I wanted.

Today I traveled to Michigan to stay with my other world traveling buddy, Lauren. I'll be staying the night here and then tomorrow the adventure begins! Together we will explore! I don't know what to expect out of the next five months, but as I get closer to being in Spain I get more excited to finding out.

Que Será, Será 

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