Monday, January 6, 2014

The Amsterdam Flight

8:20: After being in the air for a little while the stewardess came around with warm towelettes for us to clean our hands and the screen gave us a selection of complimentary movies. I watched The Butler as they came around with peanuts, pretzels and soda. Best flight ever!

9:30: Dinner! They served pasta, a roll, salad, brownie, and cheese & crackers. It was better than I thought it would be. Yumm!
I slept on the plane for about three hours then I woke up for breakfast. An egg sandwich, banana and juice. But all I want to do is sleep because it's 4am back home, but 10am here. 

Look at the clouds! 13 minutes from  landing in Amsterdam!
Before this trip I didn't have really an feelings one way or the other about going abroad. But flying over Amsterdam has me super excited! It's so beautiful -and Green! I only know a few things about Amsterdam: 1. It's also called Holland. 2. It has some of the tallest people in the world. 3. They have more bikes than cars. And 4 how to say hi - Hallo!

Que Será, Será 


  1. Okay, that was not my real comment (I got tired of google sending me error messages). Lauren, I'm getting really excited for you now, too. You will be a world traveller. I get that sense about you. Remember that you are a child of GOD and Lela & William Mixon. Because you are God's child you are never alone and you have access to limitless power when you read His word and pray. Because you are a child to all of us, remember to give and require respect.

