Monday, January 6, 2014

Jan 6 - Madrid & Avila

After the flight to Amsterdam we had a 2.5 hour layover and then flew to Madrid. The flight was relatively short. Upon arriving in Madrid we went to baggage claim and EVERYTHING was there. Hallelujah! The was my second fear. But everything was right were it was supposed to be. We got onboard a coach bus and drove two hours north west Avila. Madrid looks as one would expect a capitol city to look like, but Avila is beautiful! It's a walled in city, with cobble stone streets, and cute shops and restaurants one right next to the other! And a beautiful cathedral.

When we arrived in Avila, a small group of us stopped to help a girl whose suitcase broke, consequently we got separated from the group. Well that was as good a time as any to break out the spanish. We split up and asked different people if they had seen our group, they said no. It was only five minutes until someone came and got us. Well we had to get lost at least once. Check. The hotel we are in for the night is very pretty!

Then after a quick rest and shower we went to dinner. The restaurant was very nice, but I soon realized that all the words I know are Central American words and that there are completely different words in Spain. I had Parrilladas de Verduras (Roasted Vegetables), Calamares a la Romana (Breaded Calamari), and Arroz con leche (Rice Pudding). To drink I had Coke and Vino (red wine). All of it was delicious. (In that order below).

This is food that others had:
Ensalada Mixta (Chopped Salad, but in Spain they put Tuna on top)

I can't remember what this is in Spanish but its grilled Squid/Calamari

Yumm! Flan. It's kinda like a custard.

Here are some photos of Avila at night!

And this is only the beginning! Can't wait!

Que Será, Será.

1 comment:

  1. This is the last time that you are allowed to get lost. :)
