Friday, February 21, 2014

Feb 15-21 - When it rains, it POURS!

Why?!! That's it. That's all I can say. This week started off ok. This past weekend I was proactive got things done. I was feeling good about what was to come. You know, no more work than the usual, nothing that I can't handle or manage and then Wednesday came and the sky started falling. Yes that's a little dramatic, but that's also how I feel. Wednesday I received my second test back. I got the exact same percentage as the first test. The exact same thing. Even though I studied several hours for this over a two week time span reviewing with my tutor 3-4 times a week. And I just knew I had to have done better...but I didn't. So after a little bit of crying, and venting to my mom and complaining to my friends I felt a little bit better. A little. But this past Thursday was rough. I was mopey and sad and angry and had no motivation and did not care at all. I made an appoint to talk to my Prof about my disappointing grade. And then I went home and hung out by myself. And then today I woke up at 8 and thought you have a nine o'clock class. Get up! And then I had that meeting with my prof and we talked about some ways to do better which made me feel better, but also the fact that I had to have the meeting, just made me feel really defeated. DERROTADO! I looked it up in Spanish so I could, better explain myself. I worked really hard and didn't get the grade I expected. I did not reap what I sowed. So I came back and explained this to all my friends in between tears and laughs. 

Then I stopped the pity party and tried to get to work, although I was (am) still finding it particularly hard to be motivated. And thats when someone brought up scholarships and Financial aid. All due March 1st! But I'm on an excursion from the Feb. 26 to Mar. 3. Which brings us back to WHY?!! So, to summarize, in one week, but really more like FOUR DAYS, I have to go out to dinner with my host family, finish my homework, study for a final that is imperative to my grad, apply for Entrada RA, find out if I got RA in the dorms do scholarships, file my taxes, apply for Financial aid and if there's time eat, sleep and breath. "I'm a damsel, I'm in distress. I can handle this. Have a nice day!"

Qué Será, Será.

Saturday, February 15, 2014

Feb 10-14 - Long Week.

With a HUGE test on Monday, and a test on Tuesday. It was a long week. I spent two weeks before preparing for the test on Monday. And although I could feel that I did better and I knew more information, it doesn't mean that I did as well as I needed. I came out of the test expecting a decent grade, but the more I talked with my peers, the more I'm sure I need to double my studying for the final in a week and a day! It's a lot of work and I'm trying not to burn out. And that is just one class. In another class I'm looking for research for a paper that I have to write. Trying not overwhelm myself is a problem of mine. But I know I can do it. I just need to stay calm...
On Valentines day I stayed in and watched Netflix, not because I was sad or depressed I just needed to do something mindless for a while.

Feb 7 - The Family!

February 7th marked my 1st month in Spain!! Yay!!! I actually didn't realize it until my host mom said something. But also that night I met my host sister. She was really sweet and really nice. Her boyfriend came to dinner too. It had been such a long week, that I accidentally slipped into some of my American customs. For example when I was introduced to her boyfriend I went to shake his hand, instead of kissing him on each cheek. AWKWARD! and then I started cutting my empanada with a fork and a knife. My mama had to tell me that I could it eat it with my hands...which I knew! *FACE PALM*
But on the plus side the food was soooooooo good. We all sat around our formal dinning table. and talked and ate for an hour or so. I had delicious champagne. It was a good night. I really love my host family. Here's a little about them.

Mi mama (Celes): She work at the University of Oviedo, the university I am attending while here. But she is not a professor. I think she works in the registrars office of the university. She is really talkative. Loves to cook. She doesn't think I eat enough. Her favorite shows are the house flipping shows, like on HGTV, but obviously dubbed in Spanish.

Mi papa (Miguel Angel): He is retired. But he works at a t.v. network from time to time, which is a really cool post retirement job. And then when he's not doing that he spends a lot of time with his horses. He's really quiet. He's also learning english. Its so funny when he eats breakfast in the morning he watches BBC and then when I come in he switches it to Spanish. "English for me, Spanish for you."

Hermano (Diego): Diego used to have his own business, but because of the bad economy in Spain he couldn't do it anymore. Then he started to learn english. Now he is going to Manchester, England to look for new work. He's quiet. But also sarcastic if you look for it. He makes a lot of jokes I don't get (He gets it from his mama. She's sassy).

Hermana (Can't remember): She doesn't live with me, because I am obviously staying in her old room. But she is really nice. She works on a cruise ship. And is away for a couple of months and then comes back for a couple months.

Monday, February 3, 2014

Jan 31-Feb 2 - The Classy and the Crazy!!

This weekend in a word was FUN!  But I also got some work done which I am rather proud of. I had no morning classes this past Friday, so Friday morning I met with my tutor to start preparing for the next test. (Work before play). Then we guessed it SHOPPING! I bought a new clutch and a great new black maxi...with a split ;). After a couple hours of shopping we went home to get ready. For what? Well friday night we decided to join the classy elites of Oviedo, Spain at the OPERA! Thats right! I slicked by my hair, put on my new dress, a little bit of make up and took my new clutch to the Opera. Of course we had to go to evening class, but then afterwards we went out for a nice dinner and then went to the opera "Don Giovani."

We were looking good. I tried not to pull an Angelina Jolie with the whole split thing. lol

More photos from our dinner and the opera...


Tons of Fun! After the opera we went of for dessert!

Saturday we were responsible again and studied for a few hours in the morning then went out for a crazy night of partying for Katie's big 2-0! So much fun! I did her hair and make up then we walked to the cathedral where people were waiting with a cake, to sing her happy birthday! Then we hit the streets!
She's adorable! And the cake was yummy!

Sunday I slept in and chilled. A complete day of rest and recovery felt nice!

Qué Será, Será.