Tuesday, April 22, 2014

April 12-21- Spring Break 2014

Spring break has been awesome! On Saturday we went to get our bus tickets for our trip on Monday. Then we stopped by a store and poked around in there. Later that night we went to Burger King and watched a movie. It was good relaxing start. Sunday we went El Fontan the market in Oviedo to do a little more shopping, then went out for coffee and in the afternoon we watched the Palm Sunday procession. My mama packed me 8 bocadillos ( Sandwiches) and two slice of pizza for my trip.

First stop: SAN SEBASTIÁN 
DAY 1: I woke up late (#totallyme) and luckily I packed the night before so u zipped everything up, grabbed my good and we ran out the door. Rebecca power walked to the station...I...well, walked as fast as I could. But we caught the bus so that's good! It was a 7 hour bus ride that part was no so fun. And when we got to San Sebastián we spent 15 minutes looking at a map until we figured out where to go. WE DIDINT GET LOST! We checked in and went exploring a little.  San Sebastián is beautiful. 
DAY 2: We walked all day. We walked all the way to the other end of the beach and took some great pictures! Then we came back to the hostel and rested. Then we went back out again to find a vintage clothing store and explored the other side of town. And we ended the evening by watching the sunset over the water. GORGEOUS! 
DAY 3: We were lazy butts today and got up late. But we redeemed ourselves by going on a little hike. I'm pretty sure there is Christ in top of a mountain in every Spanish city, so we hiked to the one here in San Sebastián. After our hike we grabbed pinchos/tapas at a well known bar. They we so good! Then we went and lied out on the beach. Unfortunately the sand was a little wet. We came back to our hostel I fell asleep to a good book which turned into a long nap. I woke up in time for us to have dinner and cocktails. We went out to a restaurant over looking the water and had killer burgers as we watched the sunset. And we came back and ended the night with a movie. A relaxing end to a good day. 

Next stop: BILBAO
DAY 4: Well we woke up and checked out at 11 but our bus didn't arrive until 4:40 and after exploring the city for the past three days we had seen everything we wanted to see. So now what do go at least the next five hours. Well we walked around, laid by the beach and hung in the park. Pretty uneventful. Then we tok our luggage to the bus stop and headed to Bilbao. Upon arriving in Bilbao we quickly realized our hostel was quite a ways from the bus station. We walked a good half an hour if not 40 min. But the hostel is very nice. We went out on a hunt for a dinner if you can call it that. I had a sandwich chips and a ice tea. We were so tired, we settled in for a movie after a long day if wandering. 
DAY 5: We had another chill day. Once we realized is a 40 min walk away from anything interesting out interest/motivation in leaving went down drastically. But we went to the Guggenheim an art museum that is only in a few cities around the world, so the was a cool "you're only in Spain once" (yoiso) experience. And then I had gelato for the first time! As a nice cream lover I thought I should at least try it's cousin to see how the other half lives. And it was amazing!!! Soooo gooood. I had coffee, tarimisu, and straccietella (most similar to chocolate chip). All three very yummy. Then we came back to the dorm and laid around... We were wiped out. Then we headed out again to put some kind if dinner together with as little money as possible. Which is chips, granola bars, and ice tea. That college life (lol). And finished the night with Rent. 
DAY 6: So I woke up feeling a little sick partly because my diet this past week has consisted if lunch meat sandwiches and chips. So we went to the grocery store to buy some decent food - salad! After eating our lunches we relaxed a little. And we went out again in search of McDonald's. Which happened to be in a mall. After our cheap yet satisfying dinner and window shopping, we did some night exploring and saw new parts of Bilbao. Had a great time. 
DAY 7: Today was day of mishaps. We decided after breakfast we would go to the Easter procession here in Bilbao. However when we arrived at the Cathedral at noon, none of the streets were blocked off, people weren't lining up, there was no sign that this was actually going to happen and it was beginning to rain. So after waiting for 45 minutes we figured why not wander to a mall we saw last night. Well we came to the mall we were in yesterday, but couldn't find the mall we saw last night on our walk home. It took us a while to realize the mall we saw was the mall we had already been to. That was a laugh. So after our adventures today we came back ate lunch, hung out, I took a nap. We ate dinner and watched Sound of Music. Was it Easter with my family? Nah. But this break was good. We head back tomorrow. Now I just need to pull myself out of break mode and into work mode.
DAY 8: We headed back. Today we got up ate breakfast and packed. Then we mapped out how to get back to the bus station. We surprisingly got there an hour before our bus was supposed to arrive (we thought it would take much longer to walk there). Once we boarded the bus I was trying to get into my book, but the chatty American tourist were behind me. This woman was a chatty Kathy. She commented on every little thing; "Oh its so green", "That's a cool bench". And then of course she leaned forward, "So where are you from?" The conversation was maybe 10 minutes, but it felt longer. I let Rebecca do all the talking. When it was finally quiet I enjoyed the rest our bus ride home. When I got back, I unpacked and relaxed, because tomorrow the work begins again.

Tuesday, April 15, 2014


I know!!!! I haven't made a post in over a month, that's because I went on long fun trip and then as soon as I came back, school was back to killing me and I was trying to survive a test without the proper gear...BUT after the test I saw a Scandal episode and went into "Olivia Pope Mode" in which I knocked some things out. I even finished one of my two papers a month before it was due! I tried to do the second before spring break but my batteries died while I was in "OPM". But that's ok I still feel pretty accomplished. Also in that month of non-blogging my charger to my computer fried and I was sharing a charger and working off my iPod until my other one arrived so that made life complicated...especially the homework part. 

So the rest of the trip... In my last post I said that I got RA on my floor!! Which is super exciting. Then after that we had days packed in Cordoba, which had an orange sky one of the nights we were there; Consuegra where we took pictures of windmills set to the backdrop of a wonderful landscape. Aranjuez I don't remember well. But Madrid was so much fun we went out to a restaurant and got some very coveted Starbucks. La granja I don't remember either; Segovia had the acueducts of Segovia, and the Alzcar of Segovia which is one if the castle Walt Disney based the Cinderella castle on in Disney World. It was a super fun trip. 

In other news in march I also found out I will be an RA for the Etrada Scholars Program. I'm so excited for this summer. I did Entrada and it's gonna be a blast leading this time. It was my first skype interview and it was very nerve racking and to add to the nervousness, two of my interviewers Spoke Spanish!! So I introduced my Spanish which was cool and scary at the same time. 

So even though school was kind of rough but SPRING BREAK IS HERE!

Que Será Será