Sunday, March 2, 2014

Feb 22-28 - Emotional Rollercoaster

The week be described as nothing other than an emotional roller coaster. It's been good and bad. Nerve racking and exciting. And one of the best weeks I've had in Spain. On Friday night I had a great night with my host family we went out for a fabulous dinner! On Friday I went out with my host family and had a great dinner. On Saturday and Sunday I tried my very best to study as hard as I could for my Spanish History final. But my mind was just moving so slow. And I had the hardest time focusing. But in Monday, I took the first part if the test. I did so much better. And then on Tuesday I took the rest. I think I did well on my essay. But I spent so much time studying for my essay and the literature portion I kind of neglected the history and images. All I can do now is hold my breathe and hope I did well enough. But it feels good to know that one class is finished.

That night I came home and tried to do my taxes - stressful.

The next morning we woke up at 6 to head out for our week long excursion if Spain with our final destination as Madrid!  So much fun. So far we have been to El Eacorial, el Valle de los caidos, Toledo, y Granada. In Granada I had an interesting run in. This old lady cornered a group of us, but of course I was the one who got caught. She kept trying to give me an herb and even though I tried to tell her nicely she would let me leave. She put it in my hand and then gave me a blessing. When I said thanks and I tried to give it back but she would take it with money. Finally I said I don't want you herbs! And she snatched it from me! Ugh, being a traveler. But besides that, each time we go somewhere I wonder if Spain could more beautiful. It's so nice to have a break from classes travel and this beautiful country. The weather has been lovely and the sites are gorgeous! I have pictures but i so many I'll have to put it on FaceBook. 

Then on Friday after spending all day in the beautiful city of Granada I came back to my hostel and read the email I had been waiting for all day. Before I opened it Katie said "Everybody be cool. It's just a normal day." (Pitch Perfect quote). It said I would be RA on 2nd vR! I'm so excited and I can't wait for next year. I was high-fived and hugged. It was a great feeling and I'm so extremely excited and scared and ready and panicked all at the same time. I can't wait to enjoy the rest of this trip and my time here in Spain.  But I've also never been so excited to get back to my floor and be with them.

Qué Será, Será.